All tips for a perfect environment!

We explain you how to have a wonderful terrarium or pond where let your freshwater turtles live.


A series of useful advices on where let it live, how to feed it and on the attentions to have to let it live healthy.

1. Choose the appropriate terrarium

  1. Turtles can live at home in special terrariums or in summer in the garden, preferably with a special water area where they can refresh and swim.

2. Set up the environment

  • Turtles love to live in warm environments, between 22° and 29° C with mixed areas of water and land where to rest.
  • When natural light cannot be supplied to the turtle, equip your terrarium with a UV lamp. Light is very important for the life of this animal.
  • Make sure that the turtle also has hiding places, in order to guarantee shaded areas where it can feel protected when desidered.
  • Insert also a small bowl with low edges with some water where it can drink, changing regularly the water.

3. Choose your turtles

Turtles differ in terrestrial tortoise, marine turtles and freshwater turtles.


When buying a turtle, it is very import to know its species, because each species has particular nutritional and environmental requirements.

4. Feed them correctly

Provide your turtle with a various and balanced diet.

FISH FRIEND food is suitable for freshwater turtles and it is different according to the turtle’s size.


5. Care and maintenance

Especially the smallest and youngest turtles are vulnerable. Take special care to protect them from other domestic animals as dogs or cats

that could easily injure them.


If you decide to keep the turtles outdoor, when still young, even protect the upper part of the enclosure from predators as birds or other wildlife animals.

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Water turtles have their own peculiarities and habits. Knowing them helps to let them live long and healthy.

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